Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Sarcaustic snarcasm

While I still haven't decided precisely upon the focus of this blog, I hope that it will be, in large part, a repository - as well as a modest hub - for mean-spirited humor and mordant social criticism.

And those who love it.

As such, I'd be remiss in not providing linkage to Don't Hire Deb, a delightful little subculture of well-deserved cruelty toward a singularly worthy individual.

The object of enmity there is one Dr. Deb Frisch, an admitted extreme leftist, astoundingly self-destructive former academic (or, to use a term coined by Reinhold Aman, "cacademic") and internet stalker now in possession of a restraining order against her for threatening the 2-year-old son of another blogger.

Rather than post a detailed synopsis of our heroine's misadventures, I heartily encourage you to click over to DHD, where you'll find a complete history of her online lunacy and depravity, along with some truly fine (if viciously acerbic) commentary.

It's been a pleasant surprise to discover that several of the DHD regulars are folks I'd likely enjoy interacting with in meatspace. (Which is startling, given my generally dim view of humanity.)

And if you happen across any news items such as the one in my inaugural post about a new Mumbai restaurant named "Hitler's Cross", I'd be appreciative of a heads-up. (Grist for the mill, and all that.)

Welcome, DHDers (and fellow travelers); come on in...the water's fetid!


Blogger BrendaK said...

Literacy found (I swoon in delight) - excellent, excellent. No less than I expected from a master of the word.

22/8/06 14:16  
Blogger Fatwa Arbuckle said...

My first linkage - whee! And my first comment, too.

I swoon in delight

I almost always love hearing that from women*; may I quote you?

[*Especially redheads.]

22/8/06 14:46  
Blogger NedraZ said...

i b swooon in 2
Sorry- I was in Deb speak-

Fatwa, love your name, love your blog

22/8/06 14:59  
Blogger BrendaK said...


You've got the Redhead Seal of Approval.

22/8/06 16:22  
Blogger BrendaK said...

fatwa - Where are you? The whatt hits the debfan and you are nowhere to be found!

What, you thought you could have a personal life? Not while there's frisch to fry!

22/8/06 20:04  

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