Thursday, April 19, 2007

Reuters: Possibly the world's stupidest news agency

Artist's conceptualization of a "marijuana lab".

Original idiotic Reuters article here

Marijuana lab explosion injures man
Thu Apr 19, 8:29 AM ET

An explosion set fire to a Miami house being used to grow marijuana hydroponically on Wednesday and the force of the blast sent the occupant flying into the yard, police said.

The man, identified by police as Edel Mesa, 40, was badly burned on the chest, arms and legs and was in critical condition at a trauma hospital, investigators said.

"The house was pretty much destroyed," said Miami-Dade Police Detective Carlos Maura.

Firefighters extinguished the flames and called police, who seized more than 40 marijuana plants from the home, police said.

Arson investigators were trying to determine the cause of the explosion, but police said the man may have been using propane gas near the high-intensity lamps used to grow the plants indoors.

Police said Mesa was not immediately charged with a crime because of his injuries.

What the fuck is a "marijuana lab"? Do you imagine there's some room filled with bunsen burners, beakers emitting dry ice smoke, Jacob's ladders, giant rheostats, enormous fork switches and big gauges mounted in bakelite cabinets?

Do you pointy-headed mental defectives even know what marijuana actually
is? (And in this internet age, how hard is it to use a search engine and spend three minutes researching?)

Even if you're hiring semi-literate retards as headline writers, do you not have editors? Way to go with those "multiple layers of fact-checking".

I ought not be surprised; you're the same (alleged) "news" organization which repeatedly refers to misogynistic lunatics, who detonate shrapnel-filled bombs (and themselves) on buses or in pizzerias, as "insurgents" and "freedom fighters".

Because it's George Bush and/or America who are the
real terrorists.

I'd like to cauterize the rectums of every single Reuters employee with a red-hot poker and watch them all slowly drown in their own filth.


Blogger BrendaK said...

So, it wasn't entirely clear, but I get the impression you don't think much of Reuters News Agency and it's stringers.


19/4/07 21:23  
Blogger SillyBlindHarper said...

Good "retort", Fatwa...




20/4/07 01:41  

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